Generation Squeeze
Generation Squeeze's Hard Truths
Cutting Canada's carbon emissions: an interview with Dave Sawyer

Cutting Canada's carbon emissions: an interview with Dave Sawyer

Environmental economist Dave Sawyer and Gen Squeeze's Umair Muhammad and Megan Wilde discuss how Canada is cutting carbon emissions to fight climate change, one of the greatest intergenerational injustices of our time. Dave gives us the low down on the federal government's recent proposal to cap and cut carbon emissions from the oil and gas sector, Canada's largest and fastest-growing source of carbon emissions. He also explains the differences between cap-and-trade and carbon-pricing systems and how these strategies have worked across Canada. We then delve into Gen Squeeze's climate solutions framework and voter's guide platform analyses. And we learn what an environmental economist would do with a magic wand.

Dave Sawyer is a leading environmental economist with EnviroEconomics and contributor to Gen Squeeze's climate change work. He has held positions with Environment Canada, Canada's Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, and Carleton's School of Public Policy.

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Generation Squeeze
Generation Squeeze's Hard Truths
Gen Squeeze's Hard Truths brings you the untold story about why basic life milestones – like owning a home, raising a family, and living on a habitable planet – are slipping out of reach for younger Canadians, and how we can make this country work more fairly for all generations.
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